The good news is that Gary was baptized. Finally. After like 8.5 weeks. It was a good baptism. Lenny, who we just picked up, is being baptized on the 27th of this month. So that should be sweet.
Jennifer, Janice, and Derek we’re not too sure what's going on with them. So we just kind of left them alone for a little bit.
Well, sorry this letter is so short, but I really don't have anything else to tell you about right now, but I did send some pictures, so I hope you got them.
Hopefully there will be more to tell you about next week. :)
Love ya,
Elder Evans

Even though we live here in the Ogden Utah Mission, we still have not seen Stephen yet. However, we fed the missionaries the other day and met Elder Shin who said that he knew Stephen. We're just waiting for Stephen to be transferred to the Clearfield North Stake. - Todd Evans