Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's All Good!

Hello family. How is life treatin’ ya in amazing Arizona? Good I hope.

Well, before I get started I just wanted to congratulate Jon and Candace on their new little boy [note-Carter McRae Evans, born Nov 30th]...

That's exciting! My 1st nephew born on my Mission. Are there going to be more?? :D [note-Elder Evans has 5 other married siblings, so that is always a possibility.] That's really cool. I wish I could be there to see him, but since I have almost 18 months left I'll wait to see him then. :D

Alright, so on Tuesday the 24th…

…we had a half P-day. Our day was over at 1 pm because Thanksgiving was coming up and we would get the whole day to chill with members, and just relax. But we did have a Family Home Evening that evening with a family I fell in love with, the Barkers. I love this family! The Dad is our Ward Mission Leader, and the Mom is the Relief Society President. This family is so cool. Their son, Hayden, reminds me of Jonathan. He is just straight up hilarious!! And we get along so well. They have 4 kids in their family, 2 girls and 2 boys. I love this family. :D Sorry I keep saying that, but it's true. I'm so going to visit them when I come back after the mission. Anyways, our FHE was really good. We all really enjoyed it.

On Wednesday we had our District Meeting, then lunch as a District. After lunch Elder Pape and I took an hour to make a training for the youth of the 19th Ward. It was on how the Young Men can prepare to go on a mission...

...and how the Young Women can help. It was a lot of fun preparing it.


Today was awesome! We hung out with the Barkers; played some B-ball, and other sports; then we watched "NACHO LIBRE" (President approved it)...

...It was so funny. Hayden and I were quoting it. :D Then we had dinner with the Rasband family, which was fun. We played games, talked, then we watched the movie "UP" ...

...and I loved it! So funny. We then went back to the Barkers and watched "Horton Hears a Who" ...

So that was our Thanksgiving.

Friday was good. We had our lesson with Kristi, and she is way excited to get baptized! She's been praying and reading, and she prayed at the end of our lesson!! YEAH! Just goes to show that God answers prayers. I was praying for days that her heart would be touched, and it was. It was a miracle, and I was able to witness it.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATE!! [note-his oldest brother who turned 32]

Hope it was a good one, I was going to buy you a card and send it to ya......but I don't know your address. Sorry. Saturday was full of meeting more Bishops and Ward Mission Leaders.

Sunday was crazy busy! We spoke in a Branch and then did our training with the youth in the 19th Ward, which was very good! Had lunch at the Barkers and then spoke in the Gospel Principles class on missionary work for about 10 minutes. Then add all that on top of our normal meetings.....and whooo....busy day!

Monday we had a Zone Leader exchange with Elder Williams. He’s a way cool guy and is so funny, and just a really good missionary, too. I had a lot of fun. Elder Williams goes home when I hit my year-mark.

So that's my week. I hope you all liked it. Have a good one, and tell all my friends to write to me. :D [note-his address in on the side-bar]


Elder Evans, the 4th.

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